Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I'll be honest with you.

I'll be honest with you. I have NO IDEA what I am doing. I'm only 30 years old and work in computer graphics, yet all this social media stuff scares me! I know, weird, right? I don't even have a smart phone. I am sure I will get into that phenomenon in one of my entries at some point in time.

I don't know how to keep up a good blog. I don't know how to make it known. I don't know how to get it expanded out into Facebook, Google+, Twitter or whatever other social media outlets will come about. I just learned what a twitter handle is, and what the #(insert_word) means.

What I do know is that I love to write. I love to babble. But, more importantly, I love to review things and let everyone know what my opinions are. So, all I can do is start out slow and get the hang of things, and hopefully, eventually everything else will just naturally fall into place.

So what is this blog about? Well, theoretically it will be about anything and everything that you want to know more about.... restaurants I've been to, movies and TV shows I watch, products I use, vacations I've gone on, etc, etc. I'm writing about these things in hopes that you can get something out of my reviews.

So what will make my posts different from others'? Well... i don't know. I like to say that I always give 2 sides to the story; that I'm unbiased and will just lay out the facts. I guess you will be the one to tell me if I succeed in being honest with you.

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